Village of Lakeview Council

The governing body for the Village of Lakeview is the Village Council. The Council is composed of six Trustees and the Village President, elected by voters of the Village.

Emily Griffith, Village President - 2026

Chris Fryover, President Pro Tem - 2026

Kate Behrenwald, Trustee - 2026

Kate Behrenwald

Dominic Trevino, Trustee - 2026

Dominic Trevino

Lane Leppink Trustee - 2028

Jyll Mitchell, Trustee - 2028

Chad Carlson, Trustee - 2028

Village Council Meeting Minutes

Village Council Meetings

Village of Lakeview council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Municipal Complex located at 208 S. Lincoln Avenue. The public is welcome to attend meetings.

Public Comment is the time during each meeting for citizens to voice their concerns and opinions on Village matters. Council opens Public Comment at the beginning of each meeting. Residents are encouraged to speak with individual Council members as well.

Council Meeting Rules and Procedures

All meetings of the Village of Lakeview Council are held in compliance with state statues, including the Open Meetings Act, 1976 PA 267 as amended. The Village President serves two (2) year terms. The Trustee's serve four (4) year terms. Find council meeting rules and procedures at the link below.

Council Committees

Personnel & Finance
Emily Griffith
Lane Leppink
Jyll Mitchell

Parks & Cemetery
Chris Fryover
Chad Carlson
Kate Behrenwald

Public Safety & Airport
Dominic Trevino
Emily Griffith
Jyll Mitchell

Water - Sewer - Streets
Chad Carlson
Chris Fryover
Kate Behrenwald